Set up Dreamy UI in your React Router project.

Follow the Panda CSS installation guide to set up Panda CSS in your React Router project.

Install Dreamy UI in your project:

pnpm install @dreamy-ui/react @dreamy-ui/system motion @pandacss/preset-panda

Configure environment and panda presets in your panda.config.ts file:

import { defineConfig } from "@pandacss/dev";
import { createDreamPreset } from "@dreamy-ui/system";
import pandaPreset from "@pandacss/preset-panda";
export default defineConfig({
	preflight: true,
    jsxFramework: "react",
    jsxStyleProps: "all",
    outExtension: "js",
    importMap: "@dreamy-ui/system",
    presets: [

After configuring Panda CSS, finally we can add the main Dreamy Provider to your app/root.tsx.

(Optional, only for Framework mode) To fix color mode flashing on document request, we need to get color mode from the loader, to render the correct color mode.

import { DreamyProvider } from "@dreamy-ui/react";
import { getColorModeHTMLProps, getSSRColorMode } from "@dreamy-ui/react/rsc";
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@React Router-run/node";
// Loaders only work for Framework mode,
// you can skip this, if you are using React Router as library mode.
export function loader({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
    return {
        colorMode: getSSRColorMode(request)
const domMax = () => import("motion/react").then((mod) => mod.domMax);
export function Layout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
    const { colorMode } = useRouteLoaderData<typeof loader>("root") ?? {};
    return (
                <meta charSet="utf-8" />
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
                <Meta />
                <Links />
                <ScrollRestoration />
                <Scripts />

Let's write some Dreamy UI in app/routes/_index.tsx.

import { Button } from "@dreamy-ui/react";
export default function Index() {
    return <Button>Hello World</Button>;