
Button is a primary action element that performs an action when clicked.

Theme Source
  • Button - The true Button component.
import { Button } from "@dreamy-ui/react";

You can change the variant of the Button by using the variant prop.

<Flex wrapped gap={2}>
  <Button variant="primary">Primary</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Secondary</Button>
  <Button variant="solid">Solid</Button>
  <Button variant="outline">Outline</Button>
  <Button variant="ghost">Ghost</Button>

You can set the size of the Button by using the size prop.

<Flex wrapped gap={2}>
  <Button size="sm">Small</Button>
  <Button size="md">Medium</Button>
  <Button size="lg">Large</Button>

When using solid, outline and ghost variants, the background will follow the current color.

<Flex wrapped gap={2}>
  <Button variant="solid" color="success">Solid success</Button>
  <Button variant="outline" color="warning">Outline warning</Button>
  <Button variant="ghost" color="error">Ghost error</Button>

You can add icons on left or right side of the Button by using the leftIcon or rightIcon prop.

Left Icon

<Flex wrapped gap={2}>
  <Button leftIcon={<IoClose />}>Cancel</Button>
  <Button leftIcon={<HiOutlineMail />} variant="primary">Home</Button>

Right Icon

<Flex wrapped gap={2}>
  <Button rightIcon={<IoClose />}>Cancel</Button>
  <Button rightIcon={<HiOutlineMail />} variant="primary">Home</Button>

You can show the loading state of the Button by using the isLoading prop.

<Button isLoading variant="primary">Loading</Button>  

With label

<Button isLoading variant="primary" loadingText="Loading">Loading</Button>

With label and spinner on the right

<Button isLoading variant="primary" loadingText="Loading" spinnerPlacement="end">Loading</Button>