- The Input component.
- The Input component for RSC usage without client handlers.
import { Input } from "@dreamy-ui/react" ;
import { InputRSC } from "@dreamy-ui/react/rsc" ;
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" />
< VStack w = "full" >
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" size = "sm" />
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" size = "md" />
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" size = "lg" />
</ VStack >
< VStack w = "full" >
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" variant = "outline" />
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" variant = "filled" />
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" variant = "flushed" />
</ VStack >
Pass isInvalid
prop to the Input
to show the error state.
< VStack w = "full" >
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" variant = "outline" isInvalid />
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" variant = "filled" isInvalid />
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" variant = "flushed" isInvalid />
</ VStack >
Combine Input
with InputGroup
to create a add elements on the left or right side of the input.
Due to specificity of the Input
component, space for addons won't be added automatically, so you will need to add padding left (pl
) or right (pr
) to the Input
to make space for the addons.
< InputGroup variant = "filled" >
< InputLeftAddon >
< Icon as = { BiSearch } boxSize = "5" />
</ InputLeftAddon >
< Input pl = "10" placeholder = "Search for..." />
</ InputGroup >
Combine Input
with Field
to create a nice looking form element.
< Field >
< FieldLabel >Username</ FieldLabel >
< Input placeholder = "Enter your username" />
< FieldHelpText >Username should not contain special characters.</ FieldHelpText >
</ Field >
InputRSC is a RSC compatible component that does not use client handlers.
< InputRSC placeholder = "Enter your username" />