
Textarea component allows you to easily create multi-line text inputs.

Theme Source
  • Textarea - The Textarea component.
  • TextareaRSC - The Textarea component with context.
import { Textarea } from "@dreamy-ui/react";
import { TextareaRSC } from "@dreamy-ui/react/rsc";

Textarea resizes automatically as it's content grows.

<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" />

Use minRows and maxRows props to control the number of rows the textarea can expand to.

<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" minRows={2} maxRows={4} />

Pass resize prop to the Textarea to enable resizing.

<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" resize="none" />
<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" resize="vertical" />
<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" resize="horizontal" />
<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" resize="both" />
<VStack w="full">
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" size="sm" />
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" size="md" />
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" size="lg" />
<VStack w="full">
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" variant="outline" />
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" variant="filled" />
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" variant="flushed" />

Pass isInvalid prop to the Textarea to show the error state.

<VStack w="full">
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" variant="outline" isInvalid />
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" variant="filled" isInvalid />
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" variant="flushed" isInvalid />

Combine Textarea with Field to create a nice looking form element.

Biography should not contain any bad words.
	<Textarea placeholder="Enter your bio" />
	<FieldHelpText>Your biography should not contain any bad words.</FieldHelpText>

If you want to disable the auto resize of the textarea, simply use TextareaNoAutoSize component.

<TextareaNoAutoSize placeholder="Enter your bio" />

TextareaRSC is a RSC compatible component that does not use client handlers.

<TextareaRSC placeholder="Enter your bio" />