- The Select component with context.
- The trigger for the Select.
- The content for the Select as popover.
- The item for the Select.
import {
Select ,
SelectItem ,
SelectContent ,
} from "@dreamy-ui/react" ;
Basic usage of Select.
< Select >
< SelectTrigger placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
Select comes with 4 different sizes.
< Select size = { "xs" } >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
< Select size = { "sm" } >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
< Select size = { "md" } >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
< Select size = { "lg" } >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
Select can be used in outline
or solid
< Select variant = { "outline" } >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
< Select variant = { "solid" } >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
You can customize the background color of the selected item. This will only apply if selectedStrategy
is set to both
or background
{[ "primary" , "success" , "warning" , "info" , "error" , "none" ]. map (( scheme ) => (
< Text > { scheme } </ Text >
< Select selectedItemBackgroundScheme = { scheme } defaultValue = "strawberry" >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
export function ControlledSelect () {
const [ value , setValue ] = useState < string >( "strawberry" );
return (
< Select
value = { value }
onChangeValue = { setValue }
< SelectTrigger
maxW = "xs"
placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit"
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
You can customize how the selected value is marked as selected.
< Wrapper >
{ [ "both" , "checkmark" , "background" ]. map (( strategy ) => (
< Text > { strategy } </ Text >
< Select
key = { strategy }
selectedStrategy = { strategy }
< SelectTrigger
maxW = "xs"
placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit"
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
)) }
</ Wrapper >
You can use the isMultiple
prop to allow multiple selection. Now onChangeValue
will return an array of values, instead of a single string value.
export function MultipleSelect () {
return (
< Select isMultiple >
< SelectTrigger
maxW = "xs"
placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit"
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
You can change the text that Select displays when multiple keys are selected by using multipleSelectedText
prop in SelectTrigger
export function MultipleSelect () {
return (
< Select isMultiple >
< SelectTrigger
maxW = "xs"
placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit"
multipleSelectedText = { ( selectedKeys ) => ` ${ selectedKeys . join ( ", " ) } ` }
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
You can fetch data when the Select is opened.
export function AsyncSelect () {
const [ isLoading , setIsLoading ] = useState ( true );
const [ fruits , setFruits ] = useState < string []>([]);
function fetchFruits () {
if ( fruits . length > 0 ) return ;
fetch ( "/api/fake-select-data" ) // slowed by 1 second
. then (( res ) => res . json ())
. then ( setFruits )
. finally (() => setIsLoading ( false ));
return (
< Select onOpen = { fetchFruits } >
< SelectTrigger
maxW = "xs"
placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit"
< SelectContent >
{ isLoading && (
< Spinner
color = "primary"
py = { 4 }
) }
{ fruits . map (( fruit ) => (
< SelectItem
key = { fruit }
value = { fruit }
{ fruit }
</ SelectItem >
)) }
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
You can customize whether the Select should close when an item is selected. Defalult is true
for non-multiple select, false
for multiple select.
< Select closeOnSelect = { false } >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >
You can disable the animation of the Select by setting the reduceMotion
prop to true
. You'll see no difference now if your device has currently reduced motion enabled globally.
< Select reduceMotion >
< SelectTrigger maxW = "xs" placeholder = "Select a favorite fruit" />
< SelectContent >
< SelectItem value = "strawberry" >Strawberry</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "banana" >Banana</ SelectItem >
< SelectItem value = "orange" >Orange</ SelectItem >
</ SelectContent >
</ Select >